Homework 8
This assignment covers Lukas-Kanade tracking method. Please hand in motion.py
and this notebook file to Gradescope.
1 | # Setup |
0. Displaying Video
We have done some cool stuff with static images in past assignemnts. Now, let’s turn our attention to videos! For this assignment, the videos are provided as time series of images. We also provide utility functions to load the image frames and visualize them as a short video clip.
Note: You may need to install video codec like FFmpeg. For Linux/Mac, you will be able to install ffmpeg using apt-get
or brew
. For Windows, you can find the installation instructions here.
需要安装ffmpeg。推荐的方式是在anaconda下安装:conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
1 | from utils import animated_frames, load_frames |
1. Lucas-Kanade Method for Optical Flow
1.1 Deriving optical flow equation
Optical flow methods are used to estimate motion at each pixel location in two consecutive image frames. The optical flow equation at a spatio-temporal point $\mathbf{p}=(x, y, t)$ is given by:
$$ I_x({\mathbf{p}})v_{x} + I_y({\mathbf{p}})v_{y} + I_t({\mathbf{p}}) = 0 $$,where $I_x$, $I_y$ and $I_t$ are partial derivatives of pixel intensity $I$, and $v_{x}={\Delta x}/{\Delta t}$ and $v_{x}={\Delta x}/{\Delta t}$ are flow vectors.
Let us derive the equation in order to understand what it actually means. First, we make a reasonable assumption (a.k.a. brightness constancy) that the pixel intensity of a moving point stays the same between two consecutive frames with small time difference. Consider pixel intensity $I(x, y, t)$ of a point $(x, y)$ in the first frame $t$. Suppose that the point has moved to $(x+\Delta{x}, y+\Delta{y})$ after $\Delta{t}$. According to the brightness constancy constraint, we can relate intensities of the point in the two frames using the following equation:
$$ I(x,y,t)=I(x+\Delta{x},y+\Delta{y},t+\Delta{t}) $$a. Derive the optical flow equation from the brightness constancy equation. Clearly state any assumption you make during derivation.
b. Can the optical flow equation be solved given two consecutive frames without further assumption? Which values can be computed directly given two consecutive frames? Which values cannot be computed without additional information?
Your answer here: Write your answer in this markdown cell
$$ I(x,y,t)=I(x+\Delta{x},y+\Delta{y},t+\Delta{t}) $$对右边进行泰勒展开,保留一阶项,得:
$$ I(x+\Delta{x},y+\Delta{y},t+\Delta{t}) \approx I(x,y,t) + I_x\Delta{x} + I_y\Delta{y} + I_t\Delta{t} $$因为我们假设了灰度不变,所以下个时刻的灰度等于之前的灰度,从而:
$$ I_x\Delta{x} + I_y\Delta{y} + I_t\Delta{t} = 0 $$两边除以$\Delta{t}$ ,得:
$$ I_x \frac{\Delta{x}}{\Delta{t}} + I_y\frac{\Delta{y}}{\Delta{t}} + I_t= 0 $$其中,$\frac{\Delta{x}}{\Delta{t}}$表示像素在x轴上的运动速度,$\frac{\Delta{y}}{\Delta{t}}$表示像素在y轴上的运动速度,用$v_x$和$v_y$表示,最终得:
$$ I_x({\mathbf{p}})v_{x} + I_y({\mathbf{p}})v_{y} + I_t({\mathbf{p}}) = 0 $$b.
1.2 Overview of Lucas-Kanade method
The Lucas–Kanade method assumes that the motion of the image contents between two frames is approximately constant within a neighborhood of the point $p$ under consideration (spatial coherence).
Consider a neighborhood of $p$, $N(p)={p_1,…,p_n}$ (e.g. 3x3 window around $p$). According to the optical flow equation and spatial coherence assumption, the following should be satisfied:
For every $p_i \in N(p)$,
$$ I_{x}(p_i)v_x + I_{y}(p_i)v_y = -I_{t}(p_i) $$These equations can be written in matrix form $Av=b$, where
$$ A = \begin{bmatrix} I_{x}(p_1) & I_{y}(p_1)\\ I_{x}(p_2) & I_{y}(p_2)\\ \vdots & \vdots\\ I_{x}(p_n) & I_{y}(p_n) \end{bmatrix} \quad v = \begin{bmatrix} v_{x}\\ v_{y} \end{bmatrix} \quad b = \begin{bmatrix} -I_{t}(p_1)\\ -I_{t}(p_2)\\ \vdots\\ -I_{t}(p_n) \end{bmatrix} $$Note that this linear system may not have solution for $v$ as it is usually over-determined. Instead, Lucas-Kanade method estimates the flow vector by solving the least-squares problem, $A^{T}Av=A^{T}b$.
- a. What is the condition for this equation to be solvable?
- b. Reason about why Harris corners might be good features to track using Lucas-Kanade method.
Your answer here: Write your answer in this markdown cell
问题a:方程求解的条件是什么?参见lecture17 PPT
- $A^TA$可逆
- 因为噪声的存在,$A^TA$不能太小
- $A^TA$的特征值$λ_1$和$λ_2$都不能太小
- $A^TA$应当是well-conditioned
- $\frac{λ_1}{λ_2} $不能太大,($λ_1$是较大的特征值)
问题b:为何Harris角点会是LK光流法追踪的好特征?参见lecture17 PPT第25页
- 较大的特征值对应的特征向量表示强度变化最快的方向
- 另外一个特征向量则与它正交
1.3 Implementation of Lucas-Kanade method
In this section, we are going to implement basic Lucas-Kanade method for feature tracking. In order to do so, we first need to find keypoints to track. Harris corner detector is commonly used to initialize the keypoints to track with Lucas-Kanade method. For this assignment, we are going to use skimage
implementation of Harris corner detector.
skimage中的Harris角点检测可以参考:Programming Computer Vision with Python (学习笔记九)
1 | from skimage import filters |
Implement function lucas_kanade
in motion.py
and run the code cell below. You will be able to see small arrows pointing towards the directions where keypoints are moving.
1 | from motion import lucas_kanade |
We can estimate the position of the keypoints in the next frame by adding the flow vectors to the keypoints.
1 | # Plot tracked kepoints |
1.4 Feature Tracking in multiple frames
Now we can use Lucas-Kanade method to track keypoints across multiple frames. The idea is simple: compute flow vectors at keypoints in $i$-th frame, and add the flow vectors to the points to keep track of the points in $i+1$-th frame. We have provided the function track_features
for you. First, run the code cell below. You will notice that some of the points just drift away and are not tracked very well.
Instead of keeping these ‘bad’ tracks, we would want to somehow declare some points are ‘lost’ and just discard them. One simple way to is to compare the patches around tracked points in two subsequent frames. If the patch around a point is NOT similar to the patch around the corresponding point in the next frame, then we declare the point to be lost. Here, we are going to use mean squared error between two normalized patches as the criterion for lost tracks.
Implement compute_error
in motion.py
, and re-run the code cell below. You will see many of the points disappearing in later frames.
为了去除这些“坏点” 的影响,提出了一种思路就是:判断关键点的丢失。
1 | from utils import animated_scatter |
2. Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade Feature Tracker
In this section, we are going to implement a simpler version of the method described in “Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker”.
“Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker”.
2.1 Iterative Lucas-Kanade method
One limitation of the naive Lucas-Kanade method is that it cannot track large motions between frames. You might have noticed that the resulting flow vectors (blue arrows) in the previous section are too small that the tracked keypoints are slightly off from where they should be. In order to address this problem, we can iteratively refine the estimated optical flow vectors. Below is the step-by-step description of the algorithm:
Let $p=\begin{bmatrix}p_x & p_y \end{bmatrix}^T$ be a point on frame $I$. The goal is to find flow vector $v=\begin{bmatrix}v_x & v_y \end{bmatrix}^T$ such that $p+v$ is the corresponding point of $p$ on the next frame $J$.
Initialize flow vector:
$$Compute spatial gradient matrix:
I_{x}^2(x,y) & I_{x}(x,y)I_{y}(x,y)\
I_{x}(x,y)I_{y}(x,y) & I_{y}^2(x,y)
$$for $k=1$ to $K$
- Compute temporal difference: $\delta I_k(x, y) = I(x,y)-J(x+g_x+v_x, y+g_y+v_y)$
- Compute image mismatch vector:
\delta I_k(x, y)I_x(x,y)\
\delta I_k(x, y)I_y(x,y)
$$ - Compute optical flow: $v^k=G^{-1}b_k$
- Update flow vector for next iteration: $v := v + v^k$
Return $v$
Implement iterative_lucas_kanade
method in motion.py
and run the code cell below. You should be able to see slightly longer arrows in the visualization.
1 | from motion import iterative_lucas_kanade |
1 | # Plot tracked kepoints |
1 | # Detect keypoints to track in the first frame |
2.2 Coarse-to-Fine Optical Flow
The iterative method still could not track larger motions. If we downscaled the images, larger displacements would become easier to track. On the otherhand, smaller motions would become more difficult to track as we lose details in the images. To address this problem, we can represent images in multi-scale, and compute flow vectors from coarse to fine scale.
Run the following code cell to visualize image pyramid.
1 | #下面这段函数是使用skimage提供的函数来生成不同尺度的图像。 |
Following is the description of pyramidal Lucas-Kanade algorithm:
Let $p$ be a point on image $I$ and $s$ be the scale of pyramid representation.
Build pyramid representations of $I$ and $J$: ${I^L}{L=0,…,L_m}$ and ${J^L}{L=0,…,L_m}$
Initialize pyramidal guess
$$ g^{L_m}= \begin{bmatrix}g_{x}^{L_m} & g_{y}^{L_m}\end{bmatrix}^T=\begin{bmatrix}0 & 0\end{bmatrix}^T $$for $L=L_m$ to $0$ with step of -1
Compute location of $p$ on $I^L$: $p^L=p/s^L$
Let $d^L$ be the optical flow vector at level $L$:
d^L := IterativeLucasKanade(I^L, J^L, p^L, g^L)
- Guess for next level $L-1$: $g^{L-1}=s(g^L+d^L)$
- Return $d=g^0+d^0$
Implement pyramid_lucas_kanade
1 | from motion import pyramid_lucas_kanade |
1 | # Plot tracked kepoints |
1 | from utils import animated_scatter |
3. Object Tracking
Let us build a simple object tracker using the Lucas-Kanade method we have implemented in previous sections. In order to test the object tracker, we provide you a short face-tracking sequence. Each frame in the sequence is annotated with the ground-truth location (as bounding box) of face.
An object tracker is given an object bounding box in the first frame, and it has to track the object by predicting bounding boxes in subsequent frames.
1 | from utils import animated_bbox, load_bboxes |
In order to track the object, we first find keypoints to track inside the bounding box. Then, we track those points in each of the following frames and output a tight bounding box around the tracked points. In order to prevent all the keypoints being lost, we detect new keypoints within the bounding box every 20 frames.
- 找到包围盒中的关键点。
- 在接下来的帧中追踪这些关键点,并用包围盒框住这些关键点。
- 为了防止关键点的消失,每二十帧进行一次关键点的检测。
1 | # Find features to track within the bounding box |
1 | from motion import compute_error |
1 | ani = animated_bbox(frames, bboxes) |
- 一个是特征点的检测算法对于光照敏感,
- 一个是光流追踪没有完善。
3.1 Evaluating Object Tracker: intersection over union (IoU)
Intersection over union is a common metric for evaluating performance of an object tracker. Implement IoU
in motion.py
to evaluate our object tracker. With default parameters, you will get IoU score of ~0.32.
1 | from motion import IoU |
Extra Credit: Optimizing Object Tracker
Optimize object tracker in the code cell below. You may modify the code and define new parameters. We will grant extra credit for IoU score > 0.45.
- 每隔20帧重新获取关键点
- 对新的关键点进行筛选,保留与初始关键点最相似的点。其实就是根据找特征点的匹配。
1 | from motion import compute_error |
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/skimage/feature/match.py:49: FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `bool` to `np.generic` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.bool_ == np.dtype(bool).type`.
if np.issubdtype(descriptors1.dtype, np.bool):
1 | ani = animated_bbox(frames, bboxes) |
1 | from motion import IoU |